Welcome to my simple and not so fun blog. I always have a very stressful and heavy responsible life. So I created this blog just to write anything I like. Not necessarily related to my real life or my work. So, I'll write anything I want. (^.^)/

Sometimes life will get tougher, but we should always believe in ourselves and remember to have faith in God. Always smile and hold tight to your belief. Life is full of surprise. That's why I always believe in magic. (^_~) because No one knows, what will happen tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

wHeN i wAs LitTle....

When i was little, i love to draw...i knew that i'm not so talented, but i still love to draw....as i grew, i stop drawing....i don't know why. Maybe i've lost my passion in drawing.... well, maybe... 
i'm not so sure (^_^")> 

Last week, when i was doing some cleaning chores... i found this very old file and when i looked into it, it was  full with my old notes. At that very moment, i felt very nostalgic...to remember all those beautiful moments when i was still small and was still very excited to study...nowadays, it's totally different....I'm not so diligent as i used to be..(^.^")> .but that is not the main topic now...actually, i want to tell you about something else...

While i was busy looking into the file...i found another old paper, but it was not one of my notes.. this one is very special, and i didn't expect to be able to find it in my school's file. Do you want to know what it is? just click on the picture below...

Yes, this is what I've found, my old drawing...i drew this picture when i was small...(^_^)
I like it, and i hope you will like it too~